This can be done very easily with the help of an Extension!

Table of Glow Theme for Bing™

What is Glow Theme for Bing™?

"Glow Theme for Bing™" extension brings a customizable glow theme to some of the Bing services such as Bing Search and Bing Images. The extension supports all localized Bing domains.

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How it works

Using this extension you can customize many colors including background and link colors on the options page of the extension if you don't like the default configuration.
Features: 1. You can define a period for the extension to automatically activate the glow theme
2. You can append your custom CSS rules to the default glow theme from the options page
3. You can ask the extension to automatically follow the system color scheme (turn glow theme on when the preferred color scheme is glow and turn it off when not)
(this feature uses the JavaScript's matchMedia method to install a listener for prefers-color-scheme).

Some of the Supported hostnames
1. Bing Search (
2. Bing Images (
3. SSL Bing Search (


Please note this extension is NOT made by Microsoft and is made by an independent development team. All copyrights belong to their respective owners. Microsoft doesn’t endorse or sponsor this Chrome extension. Glow Theme for Bing™ is not owned by, is not licensed by and is not a subsidiary of micerosoft Inc

Uninstall Feedback

Thank you for using Glow Theme for Bing™. We are sorry to see you leave! It would be greatly appreciated if you could take a moment to give us your feedback about why you uninstalled this addon. The developer will further improve this addon according to your valuable ideas.


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